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3000 Grafts Hair Transplant: Coverage, Results, Costs
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Updated on March 4, 2025

A 3000 graft hair transplant is usually offered to people with extensive hair loss across the temples and/or crown, giving them coverage across all their balding areas. Most male patients requiring 3000 hair grafts are at Norwood stage 5 to 6.

The Norwood Scale

Find out how much coverage you’ll get with a 3000 graft hair transplant, how long it takes, and how much it’s likely to cost.

How much coverage will 3000 hair grafts give you?

3000 hair grafts can cover a large portion of the scalp. This diagram shows the number of grafts needed to fill hair loss in each area of the scalp:

Informational graphic about how many hair grafts are required to restore hair

Here are the before and after hair transplant photos of 3 patients who had 3000-graft hair transplant procedures, showing the coverage potential:

Before and 12 months after hair transplant procedure
Results shown 12 months after hair transplant procedure
Hair growth results shown 15 months after 3000 graft hair transplant operation
Hair growth results shown 15 months after 3000 graft hair transplant operation
Patient’s temple before and 7 months after 2800 grafts FUT hair transplant
Results 7 months post 2800 grafts FUT hair transplant

How many grafts you will need will depend on your hair density and the extent of your hair thinning. People with naturally thick hair usually need fewer grafts than those with thin hair, as individual hair thickness can create the illusion of more coverage. Additionally, those with severe hair loss will also need more grafts.

Your facial hair can also benefit from a 3000 graft beard transplant:

beard hair growth results 18 months after transplant
Beard growth results shown 18 months after transplant procedure

How many hairs are in 3000 hair grafts?

There are usually 1-4 hair follicles in each hair graft (also known as a follicular unit). That means there are roughly 6000-9000 hair follicles used in a 3000 graft hair transplant operation.

While this sounds like a lot, studies show that it’s safe to remove up to 6000 hair grafts without creating any visible thinness or balding in the donor hair area [1]. That means approximately 18,000 individual hairs could be removed without a problem in some patients.

How long does a 3000 graft hair transplant take?

It takes around 6-7 hours to complete a 3000 graft hair transplant [2]. Most hair transplant operations are usually completed within one day. Patients will have a few breaks during each hair transplant procedure.

How much does a 3000 graft hair transplant cost?

The average cost per hair graft in the UK is £3.25. So you can expect to pay around £9,750 for a 3000 grafts hair transplant.

Some clinics offer much cheaper hair transplants, while others are far more expensive. Our UK hair transplant cost analysis shows the huge range of quotes available for the same procedure. To make sure you’re getting a fair price, make sure you consult with more than one clinic. This will also help you get a feel for the clinic and ask any hair transplant consultation questions you have.

Find out more about the Wimpole Clinic’s hair transplant pricing.

Celebrity hair transplant results

Premier League player Rob Holding’s hair transplant clocked in at 2600 hair grafts — just shy of 3000. These photos show the extent of his hair loss prior to his hair transplant, and the fantastic results he achieved at the Wimpole Clinic:

Rob holding before and after his FUE hair transplant at Wimpole Clinic

“I struggled so much with my hair and self-confidence. I have had so many messages about where I had my procedure. The Wimpole Clinic in London treated me so well and I am so happy with the results.

“I’ve had so many messages from other people affected by mental health issues and self confidence issues, I couldn’t recommend this place enough!” — Rob Holding

Read our hair transplant reviews to see how we’ve helped dozens of other hair transplant patients restore their hair.

Get a hair graft quote at the Wimpole Clinic

Our hair loss specialists are ready to diagnose and treat your hair loss as well as happily answer any questions you have. We’ll examine your hair and scalp to make sure you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant, then give you an accurate graft quote.

Before you attend your hair restoration consultation, make sure you read over our list of questions you really want to ask before getting a hair transplant.

Book a free consultation with our consultants to get an accurate graft quote from a hair transplant surgeon today.

3000 Grafts Hair Transplant: Coverage, Results, Costs, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)Updated on March 4, 2025
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Updated on March 4, 2025
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