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How To Reverse Balding: 12 Effective Ways To Regrow Hair
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Updated on October 2, 2024

Whether you’ve just started to thin around your temples or you’re already approaching the latter stages of male pattern baldness, it’s natural to wonder if there’s any way to reverse balding. Statistics show that many of us fear going bald, with a third of men agreeing that going bald “terrifies” them [1].

Fortunately, there are some very successful ways to get your hair back, even if it’s already started thinning. In this article, you’ll learn how to reverse balding, including:

  • Evidence-based natural ways to reverse balding.
  • Other proven baldness treatments.
  • Whether any experimental treatments hold promise for reversing balding.
Table of Contents

Can you reverse balding?

You may be able to reverse mild to moderate balding with certain proven treatments, but there are a few catches. Namely:

  1. No baldness treatments are guaranteed — a small proportion of men don’t see any improvements despite using evidence-based treatments.
  2. Successfully reversing baldness depends on choosing the appropriate treatment for the cause and extent of your hair loss.
  3. Most baldness treatments must be used continually to sustain results — if you stop using them, your hair loss will resume.

Treatments take several months to work, so you won’t find any miracle baldness cures that grow your hair overnight. Depending on how advanced your hair loss is, you might also find you can stop it getting worse, but you can’t regrow the hair you’ve lost.

That said, if you’re prepared to tackle your receding hairline or crown bald spot with perseverance, patience, and consistency, you could see great regrowth results within just a few months.

What about other types of baldness?

Androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness, is by far the most common type of hair loss in men and women [2]. So you can find out all about reversing pattern baldness below. But certain other causes of hair loss are also reversible if you use the appropriate treatment.

Alopecia areata — Steroid creams and steroid injections may reverse bald patches caused by alopecia areata and other similar autoimmune conditions.

Telogen effluvium — This type of hair loss usually occurs from physical or emotional triggers, such as childbirth, anxiety, or depression. Resolving the cause of telogen effluvium typically reverses the hair loss.

Traction alopecia — This happens when the hair follicles are under extreme physical stress, often due to excessively tight hair styling. Wearing your hair loose can alleviate and reverse traction alopecia in many cases.

Anagen effluvium — Chemotherapy is the main cause of anagen effluvium, which is characterised by hair shedding of hairs in the growth phase of the hair growth cycle. Learn more about chemotherapy and hair loss.

Scarring alopecia is generally characterised by irreversible hair loss caused by scar tissue on and around the hair follicles, so conditions like frontal fibrosing alopecia and lichen planopilaris may cause permanent hair loss.

How to reverse balding naturally

Man applying essential oils to his hair to reduce balding

While the only licensed hair loss treatments for men in the UK are pharmaceutical products (more on those later), there is mounting evidence that certain natural remedies can help with pattern baldness and other less common types of alopecia.

Here are some tried and tested ways to grow your hair back naturally after balding.

1. Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil for hair is one of the most widely studied essential oils for hair growth, with multiple studies backing it as a natural remedy for male pattern baldness [3-4]. Evidence suggests rosemary oil can act as a natural dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blocker, inhibiting the impact of the hormone responsible for balding in men.

See the before and after results of using rosemary oil for hair and our rundown of the best rosemary oils for regrowth.

2. Pumpkin seed oil

Like rosemary oil, pumpkin seed oil for hair may reverse balding by suppressing the production and/or impact of DHT [5-6]. One study found that a drug containing pumpkin seed oil (among other ingredients) led to visible hair regrowth after 24 weeks of treatment [6]. 

Hair growth before and 24 weeks after daily pumpkin seed oil supplementation.
Hair growth before and 24 weeks after daily pumpkin seed oil supplementation. Image used in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Licence. Source: [6]

3. Saw palmetto

Saw palmetto is another natural DHT blocker that has shown potential for treating pattern hair loss [7-8]. This treatment may help prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT, minimising the risk of genetic hair loss and promoting regrowth [8].

While comparative studies have shown that saw palmetto is less effective than Finasteride, it still has promising results for those seeking a natural hair loss remedy.

4. Microneedling

Microneedling — or derma rolling for hair growth — is a physical treatment that involves using small needles to stimulate collagen production and wound healing in the scalp, which in turn can promote hair growth [9-10].

Derma rolling can also increase the absorption of treatments like Minoxidil or essential oils [10]. This enhances the effects of these topical solutions when used simultaneously.

5. Caffeine treatments

Topical caffeine treatments can help tackle androgenetic alopecia through several mechanisms, including counteracting the effects of DHT in the scalp, increasing the IGF-1 growth factor that regulates hair growth, and protecting the outer root sheath of the hair [11].

While caffeine shampoos may help somewhat, most evidence recommends leaving topical caffeine treatments on the scalp much longer than your standard shampoo. So check the research carefully when choosing your men’s hair loss shampoo.

Natural remedies may go some way to helping you reverse balding, but a lot more research is needed to see exactly how effective they are for treating pattern baldness.

7 more effective ways to reverse baldness

Pharmaceutical treatments tend to have more evidence to support their use for reversing baldness. Here are seven effective treatments for male pattern hair loss.

1. Finasteride

Finasteride is one of two licensed treatments for male pattern baldness in the UK. Several studies have shown this to be a safe and effective way to reverse balding, especially when used at the first signs of hair loss [12-14]. Finasteride works by inhibiting activity of two variants of the 5-alpha-reductase (5AR) enzyme, limiting DHT production.

Though some users are wary due to Finasteride’s reputation for sexual side effects, research shows that Finasteride safety issues are actually very rare, affecting just 2-3% of users [14-15]. Most men see excellent results from taking Finasteride:

Hair growth before and 1 year after 1mg Finasteride use.
Hair growth before and 1 year after 1mg Finasteride use [12].

Tip: If Finasteride isn’t working for your hair loss, your balding may be too advanced or you may not be taking the correct dose. Most hair loss patients are advised to take 1 mg Finasteride every day.

2. Minoxidil

Minoxidil may reverse balding if applied consistently in the early stages. It’s more versatile than Finasteride (it can be used to treat several types of hair loss) but tends to be less successful at reversing moderate or advanced hair loss [16].

Like Finasteride, Minoxidil has been licensed as a male hair loss treatment in the UK. It takes a few months to see visible regrowth, but after one year of Minoxidil use you can get excellent results.

Before and after a year of Minoxidil use for male pattern baldness.
Before and after a year of Minoxidil use for male pattern baldness.

Tip: Combining Minoxidil with Finasteride is generally safe and creates better results than either treatment by itself.

3. Dutasteride

Dutasteride isn’t licensed in the UK to reverse balding yet, though early clinical trials suggest this may be more effective than Finasteride or Minoxidil for treating genetic hair loss [17]. 

Dutasteride works in a similar way to Finasteride. But while Finasteride only inhibits two variants of the 5AR enzyme, Dutasteride affects all three. This seems to reverse balding more effectively.

Results before and after 24 weeks of Dutasteride use.
Results before and after 24 weeks of Dutasteride use for male pattern baldness.

Tip: This drug isn’t always recommended due to the lengthy half-life of Dutasteride. Using topical Dutasteride may reduce the risk of side effects.

4. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

PRP hair treatment is a minimally invasive therapy that involves drawing a small amount of blood from your arm, extracting the platelet-rich plasma, then reinjecting this into your balding patches. Growth factors within the PRP stimulate hair growth over several months.

You’ll need a few sessions to see sustained results, so the cost of PRP hair treatment can add up. But this therapy is suitable for multiple types of hair loss, and can also be used alongside other treatments like Minoxidil and/or Finasteride.

Tip:  PRP can enhance a hair transplant by minimising post-transplant shedding and accelerating hair growth [18]. Opting for PRP after a hair transplant can be a good way to get the best from your FUE or FUT surgery.

5. Low level laser therapy (LLLT)

Low level laser therapy is popular with those affected by hair loss, thanks to its lack of side effects and noninvasive nature. It works by exposing your follicles to light frequencies and wavelengths that are proven to stimulate cell activity and hair regrowth.

Studies show that LLLT for hair growth has an 83% patient satisfaction rate [19]. So this is another good option for those seeking non-surgical routes to balding reversal.

“I’ve been struggling with thinning hair for years, and I was sceptical about trying LLLT. But after a few months of consistent treatments, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my hair thickness and texture. My hair looks healthier and feels stronger. I’m really happy with the results!”

— Catherine S, Wimpole Clinic LLLT patient

Tip: Laser hair growth caps may help give you a hair growth boost from home when used regularly.

6. Botox injections

While Botox is more commonly thought of as a cosmetic procedure for skin, research shows it may also promote hair regrowth in balding men [20-21]. Botox injections for hair growth can increase blood flow to the follicles, which may help reverse balding over time.

Results before and after 24 weeks of scalp Botox injections.
Results before and after 24 weeks of scalp Botox injections for male pattern baldness.

That said, the research behind Botox for hair is in its infancy, so more studies are needed to ensure its safety and efficacy. 

Tip: Botox conditioning treatments don’t have the same effect on hair growth as Botox injections, so don’t expect the same results from topical hair treatments.

7. Anti-androgens for female patients

While it’s less common, balding affects women as well as men. Women are particularly prone to hair loss after menopause, due to fluctuating hormone levels. That’s why anti-androgen treatments like spironolactone for hair loss can help control and even reverse diffuse hair thinning.

Androgens are male sex hormones, though they’re present in women too. After menopause, female sex hormone levels can decrease, upsetting your hormonal balance and possibly leading to hair loss. Anti-androgen medications can restore this balance to help you retain your hair.

Unlike male hair loss, many factors typically contribute to hair loss in women. That’s why it’s important to get a professional diagnosis and treatment for female hair loss.

Tip: Concerned about postmenopausal hair thinning? See these proven ways to reverse thinning hair after menopause.

Can experimental treatments reverse balding?

Researcher investigating ways to reverse baldness

Perhaps because hair loss has such an impact on us, scientists are continuously developing new experimental treatments to reverse balding. Here’s some of the newest breakthrough research.

1. Dermal papilla cell injections

Much of the newest research focuses on dermal papilla cells (DPCs). Found at the root of each hair, dermal papilla cells help regulate hair growth. Research suggests replacing lost dermal papilla cells can ensure the follicle continues to produce hair [22].

DPCs must be extracted and multiplied in a lab before being inserted into the balding areas. Unlike a hair transplant, in which healthy intact follicles are transplanted from one area of the scalp to another, this process involves extracting and multiplying DPCs in a lab before inserting them into the scalp. So it’s a much longer process in theory.

However, it shows major promise for people with very advanced balding or those who have experienced follicle overharvesting.

2. Follicle banking

The promise of dermal papilla cell research for reversing balding has led to the rise of follicle banking. This is a service in which those with healthy hair can freeze their DPCs for later use.

Storing DPCs is only half the job. Scientists are currently working to establish a safe way to culture and inject these cells to promote hair growth. And there isn’t yet enough data to show how effective follicle banking is. But many people have already put themselves forward to test the theory.

3. Stem cell baldness treatment

Stem cells can be used to regenerate hair-bearing skin in a promising development for reversing balding [23]. It may soon be possible to use stem cells to repair damaged or miniaturised follicles, helping them produce hair even after becoming dormant. Alternatively, stem cells may be able to grow into healthy follicle cells themselves.

4. Balding vaccine

Researchers are in the process of identifying specific proteins and molecules that may eventually form the basis of vaccines against balding [24]. The Covid-19 vaccine has paved the way for vaccines that tell our bodies how to make certain proteins. So if we can pinpoint the proteins that will reverse balding, we may be able to stop baldness before it even starts. 

These experimental treatments are some way off being commercially available. But the research is very promising, and reveals potential ways to reverse baldness for those who aren’t eligible for hair transplantation and other treatments.

Restore your hair with the Wimpole Clinic

Man happy with hair regrowth

While the treatments above may help reverse balding to an extent, a hair transplant is currently the only way to restore permanently lost hair. You’ll get natural-looking regrowth in your thinning areas without the hassle of top-up treatments or daily maintenance.

Voted Hair Transplant Clinic of the Year four years running, our experienced hair loss specialists know how to help you successfully reverse balding. With a combination of tested surgical and non-surgical techniques, we’ll create an individual treatment plan to tackle and reverse your hair loss.

Book a consultation to start your hair loss reversal today.

How To Reverse Balding: 12 Effective Ways To Regrow Hair, Wimpole Clinic


Find out more about how to reverse balding in these frequently asked questions.

No — there’s currently no evidence that batana oil helps with hair growth. If you want to use natural treatments to restore your hair, consider an evidence-based option like rosemary oil or pumpkin seed oil.

Unfortunately, while reversing balding may seem as simple as adding oestrogen to decrease DHT levels, it doesn’t work that way in reality. While oestrogen can inhibit DHT production, it can also stimulate further hair loss. So it’s not generally recommended to use oestrogen for male pattern baldness.

Using oestrogen as part of hormone replacement therapy for hair loss may help women regrow some of their hair.

It takes a long time for medications and medical practices to be approved. So we’re probably still several years away from a true cure for baldness.

However, in the meantime, there are several great treatments for reversing balding and restoring a thicker, fuller head of hair.

  1. Most young people are “terrified” of going bald | YouGov
  2. Androgenetic Alopecia | NLM
  3. Rosemary oil vs minoxidil 2% for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia: a randomized comparative trial
  4. Promotion of hair growth by Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract
  5. Activation of Hair Cell Growth Factors by Linoleic Acid in Malva verticillata Seed
  6. Effect of Pumpkin Seed Oil on Hair Growth in Men with Androgenetic Alopecia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
  7. Comparative Effectiveness and Finasteride Vs Serenoa Repens in Male Androgenetic Alopecia: A Two-Year Study
  8. Oral and Topical Administration of a Standardized Saw Palmetto Oil Reduces Hair Fall and Improves the Hair Growth in Androgenetic Alopecia Subjects – A 16-Week Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
  9. Microneedling and Its Use in Hair Loss Disorders: A Systematic Review
  10. Microneedling For Hair Loss
  11. Caffeine and Its Pharmacological Benefits in the Management of Androgenetic Alopecia: A Review
  12. Long-term (10-year) efficacy of finasteride in 523 Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia
  13. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of finasteride 1 mg in 3177 Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia
  14. Efficacy and safety of finasteride therapy for androgenetic alopecia: a systematic review
  15. Finasteride and sexual side effects
  16. An open, randomized, comparative study of oral finasteride and 5% topical minoxidil in male androgenetic alopecia
  17. Comparison of oral minoxidil, finasteride, and dutasteride for treating androgenetic alopecia
  18. Outcome of Intra-operative Injected Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy During Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant: A Prospective Randomised Study in Forty Patients
  19. Role of Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) in Androgenetic Alopecia
  20. Effectiveness and Safety of Botulinum Toxin Type A in the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia
  21. A Pilot Study to Evaluate Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin in Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia in Males
  22. Hair follicle neogenesis induced by cultured human scalp dermal papilla cells
  23. Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells
  24. Can we finally reverse balding with these new experimental treatments? | New Scientist
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)Updated on October 2, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
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