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Widow’s Peak Vs Receding Hairline: Learn to Tell Them Apart
Dr Barry Abdelrahimsai (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Barry Abdelrahimsai (GMC)
Updated on August 2, 2024

Confused about which type of hairline you have? It’s not always easy to tell the difference between a widow’s peak and a receding hairline. And if you’re worried about androgenetic alopecia, it can be an important distinction to make. 

This condition affects about 85% of men [1] and 50% of women [2] at some point in life. And an M-shaped hairline can be one of the first signs of hair thinning and balding. However, while an acquired M pattern is worrisome, a V shape you’ve always had at the centre of your hairline is normally harmless and does not necessarily imply hair loss.

Keep reading this article to find out all you need to know about these two major types of hairline, such as:

  • What widow’s peaks and receding hairlines are and their identifying signs
  • Surefire ways to tell a widow’s peak apart from a receding hairline
  • What having each of these hairlines means for your scalp and hair health
  • Ways to style, mask and treat these types of hairlines

Is my hairline receding or do I just have a widow’s peak?

In the early stages of hair loss, it can be hard to tell the difference between a receding hairline and a widow’s peak. But there are some key differences that can help you tell if you have a receding hairline or a widow’s peak:

Receding hairlineWidow’s peak
Gets worse as you get olderStays the same as you get older
Hairline shape
Family history
Inherited from other family membersInherited from other family members
Can lead to total baldnessNo progression

Compare your hairline with the photos above to determine which one most closely resembles yours.

What is a widow’s peak?

A widow’s peak is characterised by a V-shaped frontal hairline. It’s a hairline type you’re born with, meaning men, women, and children can all have a widow’s peak [3].

Celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio and Kourtney Kardashian have a widow’s peak:

Examples of a widow’s peak

Causes of a widow’s peak

Widow’s peaks are hereditary [6]. That means they’re inherited from other family members — so if your mum or dad has a widow’s peak, you may be more likely to have one yourself.

A widow’s peak is thought to be caused by multiple genes, so it can be hard to predict for certain if someone will or won’t develop this type of hairline.

How can I tell if I have a widow’s peak?

Here’s how you can tell if you have a widow’s peak:

  • You’ve had a V-shaped hairline since childhood — If your hairline is the same as it was when you were younger, you may have a widow’s peak.
  • Other people in your family have a widow’s peak — Widow’s peaks are genetic, so if a sibling or parent has one, you may have one too.
  • Your hair is even on both sides — Hairlines that are more or less the same on both sides can indicate a widow’s peak rather than a receding hairline.

The link between hairline maturity and your widow’s peak

There are significant differences between a mature and a receding hairline. Most people between the ages of 17 and 29 [7] experience a slight upward shifting of their hairline, of about 1.5-2 cm from its original position. However, it remains mostly straight and even, without developing an M pattern. This represents a matured hairline and unlike a receding one, it is not normally a sign of balding. 

While the maturing of your hairline does not mean you are losing your hair, it can indeed emphasise your widow’s peak, making it appear longer and more pronounced. If you only have a small peak, you may have barely noticed it until your hairline reached maturity. And its sudden accentuation may confuse you into thinking you are experiencing a receding hairline.

What is a receding hairline?

A receding hairline is characterised by hair loss around your hairline and temples. It affects men more than women, though some conditions can cause hairline recession in women.

A receding hairline is one of the first signs of balding in men. Celebrities including Jude Law and Harry Kane have a receding hairline:

Examples of a receding hairline

Causes of a receding hairline

Male pattern baldness is the number one cause of a receding hairline in men [10]. This hereditary condition affects millions of men, but it can still be a major concern, especially if it starts at an early age. Some men develop a receding hairline at 20 or even earlier.

In women, a receding hairline is more likely to be caused by frontal fibrosing alopecia or traction alopecia.

How can I tell if I have a receding hairline?

You can tell if you have a receding hairline if:

  • Your hairline gets thinner over time — Receding hairlines are progressive, so they tend to get worse as you get older.
  • You have an M-shaped hairline — Unlike a widow’s peak, which typically forms a V-shape, receding hairlines are often M-shaped.
  • You’re also losing hair on your crownCrown hair loss is another symptom of male pattern baldness, so it might sometimes (but not always) accompany a receding hairline.
  • You’re losing hair in the shower — If your hairline is receding, you may find more hair than usual coming away when you wash it.

Can a widow’s peak become a receding hairline?

Unfortunately, having a natural widow’s peak doesn’t make you immune to hairline recession. It’s possible to have both a widow’s peak and a receding hairline, as seen on Keanu Reeves:

Widow’s peak becoming receding hairline

If you have both a widow’s peak and a receding hairline, you’ll have some symptoms of each. This may include:

  • A pointed V-shaped hairline that becomes thinner over time.
  • A family history of both widow’s peaks and hairline recession.
  • A widow’s peak that becomes more pronounced as your hairline recedes.

Which hairstyles work well for widow’s peaks and receding hairlines?

Finding a hairstyle that works for your hairline is important if you feel self-conscious about it. Here are three hairstyles for a receding hairline or widow’s peak.

1. Textured brush forward

Men wearing a textured brush forwards style

Brushing your hair forward over your hairline can hide signs of recession and a widow’s peak.

2. Fringe

Men wearing a fringe to disguise hairline recession

Like the textured brush forward, a fringe can hide any signs of an uneven hairline. The fringe works well for various hair types, including thick straight styles and tousled cuts.

3. Side-swept

Men wearing a side parting

A sharp side parting and side-swept style won’t hide your hairline, but it’s a modern style that can work around your thinning or widow’s peak.

See more great hairstyles for male receding hairlines (and some styles you should avoid).

How to fix a widow’s peak

While a widow’s peak is not a defect that needs to be corrected, some people don’t like the way it looks on them or don’t know how to integrate it into their look. Here are some tips on how you can deal with this hairline feature:

  1. Shave it off – if you hate it, you don’t have to have it. You can simply use a razor to shave the V into a straight hairline. Just make sure you create an even line and that you keep shaving it regularly, so it doesn’t start growing in at a different length than the rest of your hair and give you unsightly stubble.
  2. Use coloured spray – if your hairline is already high, you can try using a hair thickening spray that contains dye in the shade of your hair to bring your hairline down to the tip of your widow’s peak. This will make it look straighter and lower. Just be sure to get a good, waterproof formula.
  3. Pick the right hairstyle – Use a side parting or an asymmetrical on-the-side haircut to hide your widow’s peak
  4. Style your hair properly around it – If you have short hair and want to properly style it to showcase your widow’s peak, make sure it’s the longest point in your hairstyle. That way,  you can properly comb or slick your locks back without them falling back onto your face.
Man getting rid of his widow’s peak

Can you get rid of a widow’s peak permanently?

Since your widow’s peak is part of your natural hair growth pattern, there isn’t much that you can do to permanently remove it. However, if you really don’t like it and are also experiencing other problems, like frontal balding, you can always get a hairline transplant surgery.

This procedure doesn’t only work to lower your existing hairline, it can also reshape it and help you get the appearance you want. So if you were planning on surgically restoring the dwindling hair around your frontal area anyway, you can ask your surgeon to implant the grafts in a way that masks your widow’s peak.   

Man treating his receding hairline

How to treat a receding hairline

If your hairline recession is too severe to be hidden with careful styling, there are other treatments you can try. Here are some of the best treatments for a receding hairline.

1. Minoxidil

Applying topical Minoxidil to your hairline once or twice a day can slow hair loss and even stimulate regrowth, especially if used in the early stages of hairline recession.

Make sure to use the right Minoxidil strength for your gender and the extent of your hair loss. Women are usually recommended to use Minoxidil 2%, while men normally apply Minoxidil 5%.

However, some women can also use the 5% formula for more advanced hair loss, at the recommendation of their trichologist (just be aware that it can carry higher risks of growing unwanted facial hair).

The highest strength available for this medication is Minoxidil 10%, but this is rarely recommended, as studies found it can actually be less effective against hair loss than the 5% variety.

2. Finasteride

Taking Finasteride daily is a proven way to reduce hair loss and stimulate regrowth on both the crown and hairline. That is because this drug reduces the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in your blood, diminishing the symptoms of androgenetic alopecia. Like Minoxidil, this medication works better the earlier it’s used. However, premenopausal women can’t use  Finasteride, as it can cause foetal malformations and hormonal imbalances.

3. Hair transplant

Hair transplants are one of the best treatments for male hair loss, but female hair transplants have also been gaining popularity in recent years. You can restore lost hair from your hairline, or change your hairline shape with a hair transplant for a widow’s peak

The FUE and FUT techniques have fantastic success rates when performed by a skilled, qualified surgeon.

Hairline transplant Wimpole Clinic
Patient before and after a hairline hair transplant performed at the Wimpole Clinic

At the Wimpole Clinic, our patient advisors can help you find the best way to treat your receding hairline. Book a consultation for an accurate diagnosis and advice about your hair loss treatment options.

Our experienced and dedicated staff are here to answer all of your questions and provide you with the most effective, personalised solutions to your hairline problems.

Widow’s Peak Vs Receding Hairline: Learn to Tell Them Apart, Wimpole Clinic

Frequently asked questions

If things are still not crystal clear regarding the differences between a widow’s peak and a receding hairline, check out the answers to these frequently asked questions on the matter:

Yes, people of any sex can have both these types of hairline. However, a receding hairline is more common in men than in women. Female pattern baldness does not usually lead to one, it normally produces a progressive widening of the central parting and diffuse hair thinning.

However, other conditions, such as traction alopecia or frontal fibrosing alopecia, can often manifest with a receding hairline in women. So if you are a woman concerned about frontal hair loss, be sure to see a hair doctor about it. 

A widow’s peak is a rather common feature and in the absence of other signs of hair thinning, it doesn’t normally leave the impression that you are balding. However, it can coexist with other types of alopecia (e.g. male pattern baldness) so if you’re also experiencing temple hair loss or a bald spot on the crown, a widow’s peak might accentuate the impression of dwindling hair. 

If you’re not experiencing hair loss, there is nothing that hair growth medications can do to fix your widow’s peak. That is because it is not caused by your hair falling out, it is the result of how your hair follicles are naturally positioned and of your hair growth pattern. Medication can only affect your hairline shape if you are trying to restore growth to balding areas. 

If you notice that your widow’s peak is getting shorter, smaller or thinner, you may be experiencing hair loss. It is a good idea to see a trichologist for evaluation and diagnosis, as it could be the start of a receding hairline. Treating alopecia early produces the best results and makes it more likely to nip your hair loss in the bud.

Dr Barry Abdelrahimsai (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr Barry Abdelrahimsai (GMC)Updated on August 2, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr Barry Abdelrahimsai (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Barry Abdelrahimsai (GMC)
Updated on August 2, 2024
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