Finasteride For Women Featured Image

Can Women Use Finasteride? 

Although hair loss is typically something that's associated with men, there are many women who also struggle with losing hair. In fact, more than 50% of women are expected to…

Trichotillomania Hair Regrowth Tips

According to research, up to 3.6% of people suffer from Trichotillomania [1], a mental health disorder characterised by hair pulling. Needless to say, this compulsive hair-pulling disorder can have big…

Trichoclasis Featured Image

Why Does Minoxidil Cause Hair Shedding?

Every year, men spend $3.5bn (£2.7bn) on baldness cures across the globe [1]. One of these hair loss treatments that are among the most popular is Minoxidil.Often found under the…

Minoxidil Side Effects

Does Minoxidil Change Hair Colour? Minoxidil FAQs

There are many reasons why abnormal hair loss occurs. No matter what the cause of your hair loss is, there are many treatment options available. Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment that's readily available…

Vitamins & Hair Growth Link

Dutasteride Guide: Uses, Results & Side Effects

Dutasteride is a DHT hormone-blocking drug used to treat male pattern baldness. It’s often prescribed if you haven’t seen success with other male hair loss treatments, such as Finasteride.Male pattern…

Finasteride 3 Times A Week

Is it OK to take Finasteride 3 times a week?

Although it’s normal to naturally lose hair from washing and brushing, when hair loss starts to become more severe, it’s common for patients to jump into action and do something…

Does smoking cause hair loss?

Every year, around 78,000 people in the UK die from smoking [1]. Not only can smoking affect your health, but it can also affect your physical appearance and even contribute…

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Hair Loss?

Professionals and individuals have long discussed the connection between a lack of sleep and hair loss. It is well known that sleep deprivation is detrimental to health, but is hair…

Accutane Hair Loss Featured Image

Is Accutane Hair Loss Fact or Fiction?

Accutane is a retinoid drug used to effectively treat and manage severe acne, as well as other skin conditions. As with any treatment, there are potential side effects to taking…

Stemoxydine Featured Image

Can you use Stemoxydine for hair loss

Although hair loss affects up to 50% of men by age 50 [1] and 8 million UK women [2], there still seems to be a lack of effective topical treatments…

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss Photo

Anxiety And Hair Loss: Can Stress Cause You To Lose Hair?

Stress can sometimes be a positive presence, motivating and creating the impetus to reach a target or a goal. However, too much stress can lead to anxiety and this is a far less desirable emotion, causing not just psychological effects but also physical manifestations too. One such symptom is hair loss; we take a closer look at how stress and anxiety can lead to this.
Autoimmune Disease Hair Loss

Why Do White Blood Cells Attack Hair Follicles? Auto-Immune Conditions And Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by many things, and although hair loss occurring as a result of genetics is more frequent, it can also be triggered by illness and disease. Auto-immune diseases can have a particularly profound effect on the body, causing not just systemic problems but hair loss too. Here’s a look at auto-immune diseases and some of those which have the ability to cause hair loss.
Norwood Scale Featured Image

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Losing Your Hair

Hair loss is a hugely distressing physical issue for men (and increasingly women). A YouGov America survey found that most 18-24 year olds -- male and female -- are "terrified"…