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Castor Oil for Eyebrows: Can It Help Them Grow Back?
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Updated on March 3, 2025

Castor oil has been used for hair care for thousands of years. In Ancient Egypt, women combined castor oil with sweet almond, rosemary, and fir oils to promote hair growth [1]. It’s also used as a hair conditioner for babies of African descent [1]. 

More recently, full, natural brows have made a strong comeback, skyrocketing interest in natural options to boost growth. Viral beauty influencers regularly promote brow treatments featuring castor oil, while interest in natural scalp treatments — like rosemary oil for hair growth — has sparked curiosity about using castor oil for eyebrows.

If you’re experiencing eyebrow hair loss, you might be wondering whether castor oil can really help you get thicker eyebrows. In this article, we will explore:

  • Whether castor oil helps with eyebrow hair loss
  • How it might work and how to use it
  • Potential side effects
  • Other ways to treat eyebrow hair loss

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is a natural vegetable oil. It comes from the seeds of the castor plant and is rich in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid with moisturising and antimicrobial properties.

It’s marketed as a beauty product for your hair and eyebrows. Vendors claim it can nourish your hair follicles, promote growth, and prevent dryness. However, there is a lack of high-quality research on castor oil as a hair growth treatment.

Castor comes in different types: cold-pressed, which is clear and yellow, and Jamaican black castor oil, which is darker. It’s been used for centuries in medicine and beauty routines across many cultures.

castor oil for eyebrow growth

Does castor oil help with eyebrow hair loss?

There’s minimal research behind castor oil and eyebrow hair growth. Research on castor oil and hair growth is limited in general, but early studies show some promising results.

Castor oil’s fatty acids and vitamin E may help stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalp [1]. It may boost blood circulation and treat scalp infections and dandruff [1]. Researchers believe these benefits extend to the eyebrows [1], although some effects are scalp-specific. 

For example, men with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) often have higher scalp levels of prostaglandin D2, a hormone-like compound that slows hair growth [2]. Ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid in castor oil, has been shown to inhibit the production of this compound [3], improving hair loss symptoms. However, male pattern baldness does not affect the eyebrows, so castor oil won’t treat your eyebrow hair loss in the same way. 

An animal study investigated the use of castor oil for hair growth. Rabbits were used as subjects, and researchers compared two lotion formulas containing different volumes of castor oil: 35% versus 40%. After one month of treatment, the rabbits had softer, longer, thicker hair in the treatment areas [4]. The study found:

  • Positive results were seen for 35% of cases
  • Hair became longer and thicker in more than 50% of cases
  • Fur became softer 
  • No adverse reactions were reported
  • 35% castor oil appeared to have a stimulating and regenerating effect on the rabbits’ hair
  • The results for the 40% castor oil lotion were not satisfactory

Although this initially sounds positive, results from animal studies cannot be generalised to humans. Further research is needed before we can conclusively say castor oil improves hair growth in the human body, including the eyebrows.  

How might castor oil work for eyebrow growth?

Castor oil may theoretically help with eyebrow growth. Research suggests a few indirect reasons for this: 

  • Vitamin E  — Castor oil contains vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and inflammation, which can damage cells and cause hair loss and cellular damage [1].
  • Antibacterial properties — Researchers suggest ricinoleic acid in castor oil can protect hair and skin from infections [3], which may cause eyebrow hair loss if they affect the eyebrow areas. 
  • Improved blood flow — Castor oil may improve circulation to the eyebrows when applied topically, assisting hair growth [1].

What are the side effects of castor oil for eyebrows? 

No studies have investigated the potential side effects of castor oil as a treatment for eyebrow hair loss. However, castor oil is very thick, so it may cause skin irritation or lead to clogged pores on your face if you use too much.

how to use castor oil for eyebrows

How to apply castor oil to your eyebrows

If you want to give castor oil a try for your own eyebrows, here’s what to do:  

  1. Patch test first. It is very important to always test a small amount of castor oil in a sensitive area, such as your wrist, before applying it to your face. Do a patch test 24 hours before using castor oil on your eyebrows.
  2. Use a cotton bud to apply a thin layer of castor oil onto your eyebrows. Don’t use too much because excessive oil can clog your pores and potentially give you spots.
  3. Repeat this every other night to start with. If you have no side effects, you can progress to using it every night.
  4. Try a gentle eyebrow massage before you go to bed. Like scalp massage for hair growth, eyebrow massage may increase the absorption of castor oil and can stimulate your follicles for hair growth.

What other ways can you treat eyebrow hair loss?

While castor oil may theoretically be effective for eyebrow hair growth, there are plenty of other treatments with better research backing. Here are some of our top picks.


Bimatoprost is an FDA-approved treatment for eyelash growth, which also has good research backing as a treatment for eyebrow hair loss. A 2024 study including 357 participants explored the effects of bimatoprost on eyebrow hypotrichosis (a type of eyebrow hair loss) [5]. 

By month 7, people using bimatoprost had noticeably better eyebrow growth than the placebo group. Improvements like darker eyebrows appeared as early as month 1, with fuller brows by month 2. Improvements became more visible throughout the study. Another study found that bimatoprost increased eyebrow growth and density in young women [6].

essential oils for eyebrow hair loss

Other natural oils

There are other natural oils that may be more effective for eyebrow hair growth. For example, some essential oils for hair growth may increase eyebrow hair growth.

Research shows peppermint oil may stimulate hair growth [7], possibly due to its effects on blood circulation. Black seed oil may also promote hair growth [8] and is a natural antioxidant.


Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment that may help with eyebrow hair loss. A small study including 39 patients investigated topical Minoxidil for eyebrow hypotrichosis (abnormally sparse eyebrows). After 16 weeks, the Minoxidil 2% group had much better results in eyebrow diameter count and satisfaction than the placebo group [9].

eyebrow plucking and hair loss

Stop overplucking

Aggressive eyebrow hair plucking can damage your hair follicles and stop your eyebrows from growing back. If you’re experiencing eyebrow hair loss, but continue to pluck your remaining eyebrows, it’s worth taking a break to see if things improve. 


Nutrition can affect how well your hair grows, including your eyebrows. Make sure you’re eating a diet rich in nutrients like protein for hair growth, iron, and vitamin C to support hair growth. Experts suggest you’re generally better off getting these nutrients through diet than taking supplements, unless your doctor says otherwise.

Medical conditions can cause eyebrow hair loss

Address underlying medical conditions

If you have other symptoms alongside eyebrow hair loss, it’s worth paying a visit to the doctor. Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid imbalance, can cause eyebrow hair loss. Thyroid-related hair loss follows a specific pattern for the eyebrows, often affecting the outer third of the eyebrows [10].

Eyebrow transplant

If other treatments don’t work, hope is not lost. An eyebrow transplant can permanently restore hair to areas of eyebrow hair loss that aren’t responding to other treatments.

An eyebrow transplant involves moving hair follicles from areas of healthy hair growth to patchy regions on your brows. With an eyebrow hair transplant, hair from your scalp is generally used as the donor area

There are two main types of hair transplant: follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). FUE is usually used for eyebrow transplantation, as there’s not usually any need to extract a large number of grafts.

With FUE, individual follicular units containing 2-5 hairs are removed from the donor area. This leaves minimal scarring and allows for a faster recovery time.

These are the kind of results you can expect from an eyebrow transplant:

Eyebrow transplant before and after
Before and 12 months after eyebrow transplant

This patient had a 700 graft hair transplant to thicken her eyebrows. 12 months after the procedure, her eyebrows are thicker and growing in her chosen shape. 

Getting help for eyebrow hair loss at the Wimpole Clinic

Struggling with patchy or thinning eyebrows? Our expert trichologists can help.

Our hair doctors ask all the right questions to identify whether any lifestyle factors are causing your eyebrow hair loss. They can even discover whether eyebrow hair loss may be caused by hormone imbalances or other conditions by requesting hair loss blood tests. So if castor oil or other home remedies aren’t working, we can get your brows looking thick and healthy again.

Book a consultation at your nearest clinic location today to find out more.

Castor Oil for Eyebrows: Can It Help Them Grow Back?, Wimpole Clinic


No studies prove the effectiveness of castor oil for eyebrow growth, so there are no established guidelines. However, animal studies found that hair growth improved within a month of using castor oil [4].

Both clear cold-pressed castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil contain the same active ingredients that may help your eye eyebrow hair grow. Combining castor oil with other hair growth oils may give you the best improvements.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, putting castor oil in your belly button can help to improve hair growth and offer other health benefits. However, there are no studies to support this, and it is unlikely that putting oil in your navel will improve your health in any way.

At 50 years old, thin eyebrows are more common due to overplucking or ageing. If you pluck your eyebrows at 50 or older, they will usually grow back after plucking as long as you haven’t damaged the hair follicles. If your eyebrows aren’t growing back, you may need further treatment to help them regrow. 

Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Correia (GMC)Updated on March 3, 2025
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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