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PRP Hair Treatment: Facts, Costs & Results
Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Updated on April 22, 2024

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a treatment for hair loss. PRP injections are more commonly known for their ability to treat damaged tendons, muscle and ligaments, but research shows PRP can boost hair growth and prevent premature hair loss [1]. According to a 2022 study, 84% of research into PRP for male and female pattern baldness showed a positive result [1].

In this article, we’ll explore how PRP treats hair loss, what PRP hair treatment can help with (such as a receding hairline), the benefits of PRP, and the potential side effects to be aware of. We’ll also discuss how our expert clinicians can help you get the thickest, healthiest hair you’ve ever had.

Table of Contents

How does PRP treat hair loss? 

PRP hair treatment requires a concentrated sample of platelets from your own blood, which is then injected into the skin of the scalp. This process stimulates inactive or weakened hair follicles, causing them to produce healthier, thicker hair. 

To start with, 10-60 millilitres of blood [1] is taken from your arm and placed in a centrifuge machine to separate the platelets from the red blood cells. A centrifuge is a machine that rapidly spins to separate different densities of fluid. 

After spinning for around 10 minutes, your blood will separate into three layers. These are [1]:

  • Red blood cells with leukocytes in the bottom layer
  • Platelet-rich plasma in the middle layer
  • Platelet-poor plasma in the top layer

The platelet-rich plasma is harvested and injected into your scalp with a thin needle to exactly where it is needed – the areas affected by hair loss. The greater the concentration of platelets in the injected plasma, the more pronounced the effect on hair growth and hair density will be [2].

PRP contains numerous growth factors that contribute to hair regeneration and promote healthy hair growth [3]. Treatment usually lasts between three and six months, with PRP injection sessions every 2-4 weeks [1]. Take a look at some before and after results from 3 months of PRP for hair loss.

How successful is PRP for hair loss?

PRP has proven successful as a treatment for hair loss. Here are some studies that show the effects of PRP on hair loss: 

  • 84% of patients across six studies had positive results using PRP for hair loss [1]. 
  • Only 4 in 20 people reported hair loss 12 months after their last PRP hair treatment [4].
  • PRP treatment for hair loss improved patient-reported quality of life [5].
  1. A 2022 study reviewed the literature available on the use of PRP for hair regrowth in people with hair loss. The section of the study focusing on androgenetic alopecia (AGA) reviewed six studies that measured the effect of PRP on factors including hair thickness, hair density, and hair count. 84% of patients across these studies experienced positive results using PRP as a hair loss treatment [1].
  2. In a 2015 study, 20 men received PRP as a treatment for male pattern hair loss. Patients received 3 injections, with 30 days between each. Relapse was evaluated 12 months after the last treatment and only 4 of the 20 patients had progressive hair loss. They were treated with another 3 PRP injections [4].
  3. 92 patients with male or female pattern hair loss received PRP injections monthly for the first 3 months, then quarterly for 1 year, and annually after that. Patients completed the HAIRDEX 48 scale, a validated tool for assessing quality of life in people with alopecia, before PRP and after each visit. Total scores significantly improved as treatment progressed, as did symptoms, function, emotions, stigmatisation and self-confidence domains [5].

Can PRP help regrow hair?

Yes, research shows PRP can help regrow hair in people experiencing hair loss. Here are some studies that demonstrate this:

  • The higher the concentration of platelets in PRP for people with hair loss, the greater the improvement in hair density and hair follicle diameter [2].
  • PRP increased hair density in people with hair loss, peaking at 3 months [6].
  • Three months after PRP treatment, people with androgenetic alopecia had improved hair counts, hair thickness, hair root strength, and overall alopecia [7].
  • A 2021 study investigated the effect of PRP on hair density and diameter in androgenetic alopecia. 8 participants with moderate AGA received PRP injections at baseline and month 3 to the frontal and crown areas of half of the scalp according to two treatment protocols (high or low platelet numbers). Both groups had improvements in hair density and diameter after 6 months, with most improvement in the areas treated with high platelet numbers [2].
  • A 2014 study measured the effects of PRP on the hair density of 20 people (18 males and 2 females). PRP was injected in androgen-related areas of the scalp. There were 3 treatment sessions, each 21 days apart, with a booster session at 6 months after the start of treatment. Hair density increased, peaking at 3 months, but began to decrease 6 months after treatment. The authors recommend PRP treatment every 6 months to maintain results [6].
  • In a 2015 study, 10 patients with androgenetic alopecia were given PRP injections to the affected areas of their scalps. Injections were given over 3 months at 2-3 week intervals. Three months after treatment, the subjects had improvements in hair count, hair thickness, hair root strength, and overall alopecia [7].

PRP hair regrowth results

This image shows a 29-year-old man affected by hair loss. As you can see, PRP treatment has significantly improved hair growth on his scalp. 

PRP hair regrowth

The clinical result of the areas of one patient’s scalp treated with PRP, 2 weeks after the last treatment.

(ref: )

What can PRP hair treatment help with?

PRP therapy can boost hair growth for a range of conditions. Here are some of the conditions in which PRP hair treatment may be beneficial. 

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata occurs when your immune system attacks your hair follicles (the structures in your skin that form hair), causing hair loss. This can affect your entire body but usually results in hair loss from the head and face.

PRP has been shown to improve hair growth and hair density in people with alopecia areata [4]. 45 patients with alopecia areata received either PRP, a steroid cream for hair loss called triamcinolone acetonide (TrA), or a placebo on half of their scalp.

Three treatments were given for each patient at monthly intervals and they were then followed for 1 year. Compared to TrA and placebo, the PRP group had significantly increased hair growth and reduced scalp burning, itching, and hair breakage

PRP hair treatment for alopecia areata

Stimulation after a hair transplant

Hair transplant surgery is used to treat severe hair loss. After the procedure, you’ll want your hair to start regrowing as soon as possible. 

PRP injections after a hair transplant can stimulate the newly transplanted hair follicles. A study of 40 patients who received a FUE hair transplant suggests that PRP improves recovery time and increases final hair density [8].

6 months after surgery, 65% of the PRP-treated group had new hair growth over 10mm in length. Only 10% of the non-PRP-treated group had over 10mm of new hair growth [8].

Male or female pattern baldness

Androgenetic alopecia is the medical term for male or female pattern baldness. This is a genetically predetermined condition that results in a predictable pattern of thinning hair or hair loss. It is caused by an excessive response to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Female AGA is particularly common after menopause. Research shows 13% of premenopausal women and 37% of postmenopausal women have symptoms of female pattern baldness [9].

PRP is an effective treatment for both male pattern baldness [10] and female pattern baldness [11].

PRP for hair loss has been shown to result in a high level of satisfaction and improvement to patients’ quality of life [12]. After 3 monthly PRP treatments for female pattern baldness, 86% of people said they would recommend the treatment. 

What are the benefits of PRP hair treatment?

PRP hair treatment has a whole host of benefits. Here are some of the main advantages of using PRP injections for hair loss: 

  • Improved hair growth – This is the main reason many patients seek PRP hair treatment. PRP encourages hair to grow faster and thicker around the site of the injections. These injections are targeted around the areas of thinning hair that need the most help.   
  • Minimally invasive – With PRP therapy, you only need a blood sample taken, followed by several injections to your scalp area. This is a more convenient and comfortable choice than a hair transplant for many people. 
  • Improved hair quality – PRP therapy can enhance the quality of your hair. This includes increased hair thickness and strength, leading to a healthier appearance overall. 
  • Natural regrowth – PRP requires no synthetic medications or compounds that often come with side effects. The injections you receive are made up of cells that naturally occur in your own blood, stimulating your hair follicles to produce more hair naturally.
  • Reduced risk of adverse reactions – Unlike therapies that use synthetic compounds or donated cells or tissue, PRP uses cells from your own body. This significantly reduces the risk of allergies or adverse reactions because your immune system recognises these cells as yours. 
  • Fast recovery time – PRP requires no recovery period after treatment. Unlike more extensive procedures, such as a hair transplant, you can get back to your daily activities as soon as the treatment session is finished.
Benefits of PRP hair treatment

How much does PRP hair treatment cost?

Prices vary for PRP hair treatment depending on the number of sessions required, the location of the clinic, and the experience of the practitioner. At Wimpole Clinic, PRP injections are administered by our highly skilled consultants and prices start from just £295.

Is PRP a permanent treatment for hair loss?

Although PRP hair treatment can have great results, it is only a temporary solution for hair loss that requires regular maintenance sessions. Even then, results are unlikely to be as extensive as treatments such as minoxidil or a hair transplant. Unlike a hair transplant, which usually requires a single procedure, ongoing sessions will need to be scheduled to maintain results after the initial round of treatment.

This often looks like a single maintenance session every four to six months. For some people, this provides a successful long-term solution. For others, a hair transplant is a preferable long-term solution.

Because hair transplants are permanent, PRP can offer lifelong effects when combined with a hair transplant. The hair transplant addresses the root cause of hair loss, while PRP therapy promotes quicker recovery with better outcomes. It can also prevent or slow down continuing hair loss in other areas of the scalp.

What other treatments are available for hair loss?

PRP hair treatment should always be administered as part of a holistic treatment plan. This may include complementary therapies such as medications, lifestyle changes, and hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplant

Wimpole Clinic offers two types of hair transplant surgery — FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation). Both types offer excellent results that last a lifetime, but there are some differences between the two.

FUE is the less invasive method. In this method, individual hair follicles are harvested from an area of your scalp with lots of healthy hair growth and inserted into an area of your head affected by hair loss.

FUT requires strips of skin to be removed from a donor area of your scalp, usually at the back of your head. These contain a high volume of follicles. The strips are then separated into smaller groups of hair follicles and distributed across the area of your scalp that is affected by hair loss.

Wimpole Clinic Treatments for Hair Loss


For most types of hair loss, the first line of treatment is usually oral or topical medications. Some of these are creams, foams, gels or solutions that you can buy without a prescription. Most of these products contain an active ingredient called minoxidil.

Finasteride is a prescription medication that your clinician may recommend to slow down hair loss, particularly in male pattern baldness. Many people even experience increased hair growth when taking finasteride daily.

Spironolactone is another prescription medication that can help with male and female pattern baldness. It works by slowing down the production of androgens, the hormones responsible for hair loss in androgenetic alopecia. This slows hair loss and can even encourage hair to regrow.

If your hair loss is related to an inflammatory condition, your clinician may prescribe corticosteroids or steroid injections to reduce inflammation.


Vitamins and minerals play an important role in follicle development and hair growth [13]. There’s limited evidence to support supplementation with vitamins and minerals as an effective treatment for hair loss, but it may be effective if your hair loss was caused by deficiencies in the first place. 

A severe deficiency of zinc, biotin, niacin, or iron can lead to hair loss, but this is very rare. If you have a vitamin deficiency that’s causing hair loss, you will almost certainly need medical treatment, and you should consult your general practitioner (GP). 

Lifestyle factors

Multiple lifestyle factors can contribute to hair loss. Our trichologists can conduct a full assessment of your lifestyle and factors that may be influencing hair loss. Here are some of the most common factors: 

  • Tight hairstyles, such as high ponytails or buns, can put pressure on your hair and lead to a type of hair loss called traction alopecia..
  • Behaviours such as pulling, rubbing or twisting your hair can contribute to hair loss. Try patting your hair dry with a towel instead of rubbing or twisting. 
  • A diet lacking in iron or protein. Eating a nutrient-rich diet can prevent hair loss and maximise healthy hair growth.
  • Stress, particularly for telogen effluvium, a non-scarring form of diffuse hair loss.
  • Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Excessive use of heat treatments and chemical treatments on your hair.
Hair Loss Causes & Treatments

Potential side effects of PRP hair treatment

Research suggests there are limited side effects of PRP hair treatment [1]. However, you may experience a few mild side effects during and after treatment. 

These potential side effects include a headache and itching or swelling around the treatment area. You may also experience some pain during treatment and temporary discolouration of the treated area. 

Because everyone reacts differently to hair loss treatments, it’s important to speak to a healthcare professional about the potential side effects of PRP hair treatment. You can then make an informed decision about whether you’d like to try PRP hair treatment. 

Risk factors

Several risk factors can increase your chance of side effects from PRP hair treatment. Absolute contraindications for PRP hair treatment include [1]:

  • Critical thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)
  • Platelet dysfunction
  • Haemodynamic instability
  • Sepsis
  • Local infection (at PRP site) 
  • Unwillingness of a patient to accept the risks of treatment

Relative contraindications include [1]: 

  • Smoking
  • Recent illness or fever
  • Non-critical thrombocytopenia
  • Anaemia
  • Taking certain medications within 48 hours of PRP therapy, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 
  • Some types of cancer, such as bone cancer

If you have any of the relative contraindications, it doesn’t necessarily mean that PRP hair treatment is off-limits for you. Our consultants and trichologists work closely with you to create a personalised treatment plan, taking into account any medical conditions or lifestyle factors that may affect treatment.

Hair Loss Consultation

PRP hair treatment at Wimpole Clinic

If you’d like to gain fuller, thicker hair but don’t like the sound of chemical or surgical procedures, consider PRP. PRP hair treatment harnesses your body’s natural healing ability to increase hair count, thickness, and growth.

Our expert clinicians are highly experienced in delivering PRP hair treatment and will put you at ease throughout the process. If you’re struggling with hair loss, book a consultation with one of our trichologists. They’ll complete a comprehensive assessment, provide a diagnosis, and work with you to create an individualised treatment plan to restore your hair.

PRP Hair Treatment: Facts, Costs & Results, Wimpole Clinic

Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)Updated on April 22, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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