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How Much Hair Loss Is Normal In The Shower?
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Updated on February 22, 2025

If you’re worried about hair loss then washing your hair in the shower can become a source of dread. You may notice hair shedding as you shampoo and condition your hair, or spot clumps of hair in the drain while you’re drying off. Some people see significant in-shower hair loss for a few months before it relaxes back to its previous shedding rate [1].

Either way, it can be alarming to see just how much hair you’re losing in the shower.

Everyone experiences a certain amount of hair loss when they wash their hair, so how much hair is normal to lose in the shower? Also, what is the difference between normal hair shedding and excessive hair shedding?

Is it normal to lose hair in the shower?

Yes, it’s very normal to lose a small amount of hair in the shower. Washing your hair dislodges hair in the catagen (resting) or telogen (shedding) phases of the hair growth cycle. That means it’s common for hair to fall out in the shower that’s ready to fall out naturally anyway.

But only 10-15% of hair is in the resting phase at any one time [2]. So if you start to see an increase in hairfall in the shower, you may be dealing with more significant hair loss.

How much hair loss is normal?

People with healthy hair lose up to 100 strands every day [3]. Brushing, washing, and tying your hair back can all dislodge your hair from the hair follicles. Often, you won’t even notice it when hair sheds.

Showering, however, can highlight just how much hair you’re losing on a regular basis. It can be distressing to discover that you’re losing significant amounts of hair, so how do you know if you have hair loss or hair shedding?

100 hair strands in a person with short hair (left) and long hair (right)
Photo showing 100 hairs from a person with short hair (left) and longer hair (right).

What is normal hair loss?

The hair growth cycle causes people to lose hair naturally. Around 85-90% of your hair is in the active growth phase at any one time [2]. The rest of your hair strands are in degenerative, resting, or shedding phases. These are the hairs that are liable to fall out through normal shedding.

The hair growth cycle

When your hair does eventually fall out, the hair’s life cycle begins again, with the hair follicle returning to the growth phase [4].

Washing your hair can speed up the normal hair-shedding cycle, which means it’s completely normal to lose hair when you shower. However, there are also some hair-washing practices that can increase the risk of hair damage.

What causes hair loss in the shower?

Hair washing stimulates your hair follicles that are in the resting or shedding phases of the growth cycle. This stimulation can dislodge hairs to make way for new growth.

As a result, you may find a number of strands of hair come away from your head when you massage shampoo into your scalp. This is especially true if you don’t wash your hair every day. You may lose more than 100 hairs thanks to the cumulative effect of dislodging hair from previous days.

This is completely normal. In fact, it’s been suggested that scalp massage can stimulate hair growth, so you may actually be helping your hair by treating yourself to an in-shower head massage. You may also be able to boost hair growth and reduce shedding by using an effective shampoo for hair loss.

Why do I lose so much hair in the shower?

If you’re losing more than 100 hairs in the shower each day, it may be a symptom of clinical hair loss. Any type of alopecia can result in excessive hair loss in the shower, including:

  • Telogen effluvium — A type of temporary hair loss caused by high levels of stress, anxiety, or trauma.
  • Pattern baldness — A type of progressive hair loss influenced by your genes and hormones. This is more common in men and older women.
  • Alopecia areata — An autoimmune condition characterised by distinctive smooth round bald patches on the scalp.
  • Anagen effluvium — Hair shedding that occurs when hair is still in the growth phase. It happens most often following chemotherapy.

Of these, telogen effluvium and pattern baldness are the most likely causes of a sudden increase in hair loss in the shower.

Male pattern baldness is characterised by a receding hairline and crown hair loss. Female pattern hair loss usually begins as a widening parting. Both types of hair loss get worse over time without treatment.

Hair loss caused by stress or trauma tends to affect follicles all over the head, resulting in diffuse thinning. While this condition is normally temporary, pattern baldness is permanent and progressive.

If you’re unsure what type of alopecia is causing your excessive hairfall, it’s best to see a trichologist. They can assess your hair and scalp and discover the underlying cause. Female hair loss is particularly hard to diagnose without the right tools and tests. Get a professional diagnosis from a qualified trichologist so you can get the best female hair loss treatment for your alopecia.

What causes sudden hair loss in the shower?

man washing hair in the shower

Telogen effluvium is the most likely culprit if you’re experiencing a sudden increase in in-shower shedding. While it’s linked mainly with emotional stress, there are actually a whole range of triggers for this, including:

  • Sudden weight loss
  • A scalp condition like psoriasis
  • An illness or virus
  • Recent childbirth (within the last few months)
  • Recent surgery
  • A change in medication
If any of these apply to you, it’s possible this is causing your hair loss in the shower. This is likely to be temporary; you’ll start to see regrowth within a few months.

Hair loss vs hair breakage in the shower

Using harsh products such as hair dyes, bleaches, and chemical shampoos in the shower can damage your hair. While these don’t typically cause hair loss, they can make your hair brittle, so the strands snap off and give the appearance of thinning hair.

Washing your hair in water that’s too hot can also damage your hair, so try to maintain a moderate temperature.

Don’t avoid washing your hair altogether by overusing dry shampoo. While dry shampoo may not make hair loss worse, it won’t help with regrowth and doesn’t get your hair properly clean.

How to reduce hair shedding in the shower

If you’re noticing more hair falling out than usual in the shower, here are some tips for managing this:

  • Brush your hair lightly before you shower. This can help dislodge some of your ready-to-shed strands before you wash your hair.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb on wet hair. This minimises damage to the strands when detangling.
  • Use a detangling solution. Kids’ detanglers are gentle and are also effective at removing knots from adult hair.
  • Blow dry your hair less often. Excessive blow-drying causes hair to become brittle, which can lead to hair breakage that gives the appearance of hair thinning.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles. Tight ponytails, buns, and braids can pull at the hair follicle which in turn can cause hair loss due to traction alopecia. Avoid rubber elastic bands and hair extensions which can also pull tightly on your hair causing it to shed.
  • Be extremely careful when washing your hair after a hair transplant. Vigorous rubbing can easily dislodge your hair grafts and cause them to fall out.

Other signs of hair loss

Man examining his hair after taking a shower

Sometimes in-shower hair shedding can be a sign of more permanent hair loss. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing male or female pattern baldness:

  • A patchy appearance
  • Thinning hair across your whole scalp (especially in women)
  • A widening parting
  • Receding around the temples (especially in men)
  • Hair loss at the crown

If this is the case, your hair won’t grow back without medical intervention, so it’s a good idea to speak to a trichologist to see if there’s a way to address your hair loss.

There are non-surgical ways to treat permanent hair loss, especially if it’s identified early, so book a consultation to discuss a treatment plan if you’re concerned your hair loss may be permanent.

What to do if you’re losing a lot of hair in the shower

Plenty of treatments can help if you’re losing a lot of hair in the shower. Let’s take a look at the most effective.


Minoxidil is an excellent treatment for many different types of alopecia. It’s also available over-the-counter, so you won’t need a prescription.

Applying Minoxidil foam or spray to your scalp dilates the blood vessels. This can help more nutrients reach the follicles, helping to promote hair growth.


Suitable for those with male pattern baldness, Finasteride is very effective for reducing hair loss and even restoring thinned-out hair.

Finasteride affects your hormone levels, which is why it’s only effective for treating male pattern baldness. You’ll need a prescription for Finasteride as it’s not suitable for everyone (particularly premenopausal women).

Derma rolling

Using a derma roller for hair growth triggers the body’s natural healing processes to stimulate hair growth. It may also increase the effectiveness of topical hair growth solutions, as it can increase absorbency. So some people choose to use derma rolling alongside Minoxidil.

Shampoos for hair loss

Some shampoos contain ingredients that are proven to help with hair loss when used consistently over several months. This includes caffeine shampoos, shampoos containing ketoconazole, and stemoxydine for hair loss.

Diagnose and treat your hair loss at the Wimpole Clinic

If you think you’re losing substantially more than 100 hairs a day when you wash your hair and over-the-counter treatment hasn’t helped, or you find your hair falling out in clumps, it’s time to seek professional advice.

Book a consultation with a hair loss specialist at the Wimpole Clinic. With clinic locations across the UK, we can determine the cause of your hair loss and create a personalised treatment plan to restore your hair and your confidence.

How Much Hair Loss Is Normal In The Shower?, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Michael May (FRCS)Updated on February 22, 2025
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Updated on February 22, 2025
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