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Hair Transplant After 1 Year: Results, Photos, Boosting Growth
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Updated on July 10, 2024

A hair transplant after 1 year can show significant results, which can be life-changing if you’re affected by hair loss. It takes most people 10-18 months after a hair transplant to see the final outcome [1][2]. 

At 1 year post-surgery, you should see major improvements in hair density and appearance; our hair transplant success rate is 97-100%. In this article, we’ll explore: 

  • Transformation photos of hair transplants after 1 year 
  • A breakdown of the first year of recovery
  • Factors affecting hair transplant success after 1 year
  • Complementary treatments to boost results
Table of Contents

Hair transplant after 1 year: transformation photos

Before and after hair transplant photos can help you get a realistic idea of what your final results may look like. If you have milder hair loss, such as male pattern baldness at Norwood stage 2 or 3, full coverage is often achievable.

Unsurprisingly, it’s harder for people with more severe hair loss to achieve full coverage with a hair transplant. However, excellent results are still possible if you’ve lost a lot of hair. Here are some photos of hair transplants after one year: 

FUT hair transplant after 1 year

The photo above shows the one-year results of a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) hair transplant performed at the Wimpole Clinic. 2600 grafts were used for this hairline transplant.

FUE hair transplant after 1 year

This photo shows a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant after 1 year. This transplant was also performed at the Wimpole Clinic, and 1300 grafts were used from the mid-section to the crown. 

Rob Holding’s hair transplant after 11 months

The Wimpole Clinic also performed Rob Holding’s hair transplant, which is widely known for its success. These photos show his hair before the procedure and nearly a year (11 months) post-transplant. 2600 grafts were used to transform Rob’s locks from nearly Norwood stage 4 to a healthy head of hair. 

FUE hair transplant for female pattern hair loss

These images show a 47-year-old woman with female pattern hair loss who received an FUE transplant (1650 grafts) [3]. Photo A is pre-transplant, and photo B shows results one year after the procedure. 

The video above shows Joe Ottaway’s hair transformation after his transplant at the Wimpole Clinic. As a stylist to A-list celebrities, Joe’s appearance is important, and he is delighted with his results. 

What to expect in the first year after a hair transplant

The first year of recovery after a hair transplant can come with surprises if you’re not prepared. Any reputable clinic should thoroughly explain the process and schedule regular follow-ups after your procedure so you know what to expect at every stage. Here, we’ll explore the recovery process in more detail. 

Months 1-2

Immediately after your transplant, you may experience some mild pain, scabbing, and swelling. This usually subsides within 7-10 days [4]. Carefully following your surgeon’s postoperative instructions helps to ensure as many grafts survive as possible. 

Around 2-3 weeks post-surgery, you’ll likely experience some shedding of the newly transplanted hairs. This is called shock loss, a normal part of the recovery process. It’s common in men and women, but the risk is particularly high in women with female pattern hair loss after a transplant [5]. 

This phase is often the most psychologically challenging as you recover from your transplant. Shock loss can be distressing, and new hair growth will not be visible yet.  But stay patient — you’ll start to see results soon. 

Wimpole Clinic hair transplant after 3 months
Wimpole Clinic patient 3 months after FUE hair transplant

Months 3-11

It takes at least 3-4 months before new hair growth becomes visible after a transplant [2]. As these new hairs start coming through, you will get an idea of what your final results may look like. 

As the months progress, you’ll notice significant improvements in density and coverage. The hairs will start to blend more naturally with your existing hair as they begin to match lengths. 

A small study of 40 men found that most patients had 50-75% hair follicle growth 6 months after their hair transplant [6]. However, this figure improved to over 75% growth in all patients when platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair treatment was used during the transplant [6]. 

1 year after hair transplant 

Many people see their final results in 10-12 months [2]. However, for others, it may take up to 18 months [1]. The timeline varies based on factors such as the extent of hair loss pre-transplant, gender, the area treated, and individual healing rates. Continuing follow-up appointments with your surgeon helps to ensure everything’s on track. 

Factors affecting hair transplant success after one year 

Hair transplant success relies on more than just the surgery itself. There are many other factors that can affect the outcome of your transplant after the first year and beyond. Here are some of the main aspects to be aware of. 

Hair transplant surgeon assessing patient

Surgeon’s skill and experience

Your choice of surgeon is one of the most important factors in determining the final outcome of your hair transplant. Unsurprisingly, more experienced surgeons typically achieve more natural-looking results [7]. Due to their surgical skill, they also often achieve higher graft survival rates, boosting your overall coverage and potentially reducing the need for further transplants in the future. 

How grafts are handled and placed during the procedure directly affects their survival and growth. More experienced surgeons can transplant more grafts without damaging them within a single session [8].

Quality of aftercare

Follow-up appointments and proper aftercare are essential to prevent complications after surgery. Complications such as hair transplant infections and keloid scarring are rare if thorough aftercare procedures are followed [7]. In the initial period following the transplant, your surgeon may recommend that you:

  • Attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any concerns.
  • Avoid touching, scratching, or picking at the transplanted area.
  • Take care with washing your hair after a hair transplant: gently cleanse the scalp to prevent infection, but usually not for at least 2-3 days.
  • Use extra pillows when you sleep after hair transplant surgery. Keep your head elevated for the first few nights to reduce swelling.
  • Avoid heavy lifting, exercise, and activities that cause sweating for at least a week.
  • Take prescribed medications as advised by your surgeon.
  • Protect the scalp from direct sunlight, and wear a hat if necessary.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least a week to promote healing (drinking and smoking can impact hair transplant results).
  • Use a mild shampoo and avoid harsh hair care products and treatments.
Balanced diet for healthy hair

General health

A healthy scalp and good general health are both requirements to qualify as a candidate for hair transplantation [9]. A balanced diet for healthy hair, avoidance of smoking, and regular aerobic exercise have all been shown to improve hair growth [10]. Therefore, you’ll likely experience better hair growth after your transplant if you live a healthy lifestyle. 

Type of hair loss and its progression

The nature of your hair loss will affect the results of a transplant after one year. For example, surgeons are advised to be particularly cautious when treating young male patients in their teens to early twenties [9]. Male pattern hair loss is often rapidly progressive when it develops at such a young age [9].

These patients often need ongoing treatment through adulthood and medication to stabilise their hair loss before a transplant can be considered [9]. Performing a hair transplant on someone with unstable hair loss increases the chance of further surgeries being required in the future while running the risk of overusing their supply of donor hair [9].

Quality and quantity of donor hair

A lack of healthy donor hair makes it very difficult to achieve perfect results with a hair transplant [8]. If you have significant hair loss (for example, male pattern baldness at Norwood stage 5 or more), you may not have enough donor hair to transplant to thinning balding areas. 

In this case, sacrifices have to be made somewhere. Often, the bald spot on the crown is left untreated so other areas can be prioritised [8]. Hair volume is not just affected by density; thicker hair provides better coverage [11]. The ideal candidate for a hair transplant has a healthy, dense supply of thick donor hair [11]. 

FUE vs. FUT hair transplant

Technique used 

Your surgeon will compare FUE vs. FUT transplant techniques and discuss the pros and cons of each with you. Together, you’ll decide on the best option for your needs. Many people prefer FUE because, although the procedure takes longer, the final results leave virtually no scarring. 

On the other hand, FUT leaves a hair transplant scar (known as a strip scar) at the donor site, which may be visible if you cut the back or sides of your hair short [12]. However, FUE is not the best option for everyone. For example, FUT is often chosen by people who need more hair grafts.

Improving hair transplant results after 1 year

If you’re looking for faster results or greater coverage from your hair transplant, read on. There are plenty of ways to improve your results during the first year of recovery and beyond. Your surgeon should discuss complementary treatments and will often recommend medication alongside your transplant to get the best outcome possible. 

The most effective hair loss treatments available


Minoxidil and Finasteride are common medications used to treat hair loss. Finasteride, however, is not recommended for use by women. Combined with a hair transplant, these medications can increase hair density, speed regrowth in transplanted follicles, and improve the final result by slowing down or stopping further hair loss [13].

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

Low-level laser therapy has been shown to be a safe and effective way of improving hair growth [14]. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses red and infrared light of specific wavelengths, stimulating cell activity and blood flow to the hair follicles. It is approved as a hair loss treatment by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  

Due to its effect on wound healing, LLLT combined with hair transplant surgery may reduce post-operative healing time and increase graft survival [15]. However, further studies are needed to confirm this possible benefit.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

PRP therapy is a promising new treatment — 84% of research into PRP for hair loss shows positive results in patients with androgenetic alopecia [16]. When combined with a hair transplant during the procedure, PRP can help achieve faster hair density, reduce the loss of transplanted hair, recover the skin faster, and activate dormant hair follicles [6]. PRP after a hair transplant or used preoperatively can also boost results. 

Scalp micropigmentation for FUT hair transplant scar
Scalp micropigmentation for FUT hair transplant scar

Scalp micropigmentation

If you have limited donor hair, scalp micropigmentation can create the illusion of greater coverage. It’s also an excellent option if you haven’t achieved your desired density a year or more after surgery. 

This treatment uses tattoos to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles. It can even out hairlines, camouflage scalp scarring from previous injuries or surgeries, and increase perceived hair fullness after a transplant [17]. 

Are you considering a hair transplant?

Whether you’re dealing with the first signs of thinning and balding or your hair shedding is more severe, a natural-looking hair transplant may be the solution you’ve been looking for. After just one year, many people achieve incredible results. When you’re treated by the best hair transplant surgeons in the UK, you can often get a hair transplant without anyone knowing.

Ready to take the next step? Book a consultation at your nearest clinic location today. We’ll perform a thorough examination, such as blood tests for hair loss and other diagnostic trichology tests, to determine the best treatment plan for you. Whether you’re a candidate for a hair transplant or would benefit from other treatments, we’re committed to helping you achieve the full, healthy head of hair you deserve.

Hair Transplant After 1 Year: Results, Photos, Boosting Growth, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Ismail Ughratdar (FRCS)Updated on July 10, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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