Perhaps you have been experiencing hair loss and have spent hours deciding whether or not to see a surgeon about having a hair transplant procedure. You may have been arranging finances and finding out everything there is to know, only to discover that the surgeon doesn’t think you’re a suitable candidate for hair restoration surgery.
This can feel disappointing and frustrating, but bear in mind that there is usually a good reason why a hair transplant surgeon would come to this conclusion.
A responsible doctor will always check that you are suitable for hair transplantation before committing to a procedure. If you choose a reputable surgeon, you can feel confident that they have your best interests at heart and will be honest about whether or not they think the surgery is right for you.
After talking to you, a doctor may decide that you have unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved or that perhaps you are not yet fully committed to what is a big financial and emotional undertaking. Your clinician has to make a responsible decision and will do so with your best interests in mind.
Hair transplants are only suitable for people who have been losing hair for some years and have an established pattern of baldness due to androgenetic alopecia.
If your hair loss is due to stress or an autoimmune condition such as alopecia areata, your surgeon is likely to decide that the treatment isn’t right for you.
Stress-related hair loss in particular is something that is not likely to be permanent.
In order to carry out a successful hair transplant, you must have enough healthy hair follicles at the back and sides of your head. They will also need to consider the type and colour of your hair to ensure that you would reap the benefits of the procedure.
If there is not enough hair remaining, or too large a bald patch to cover then you may be rejected for hair transplant. This isn’t a personal slight, it is simply a surgeon arriving at a conclusion that in your case, the results wouldn’t look cosmetically satisfactory. They don’t want you to make a large financial investment, only to be disappointed with the results.
Here at the Wimpole Clinic, we take our time to assess whether you would be a good candidate for a transplant or if non-surgical hair restoration treatments would be a better fit for your hair loss. We’ve also answered lots of FAQs about hair transplant eligibility. Why not get in touch to find out more?
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