There are a number of reasons to embark on a weight loss regime. Sometimes it’s to improve your physical or mental health. Other times, people choose to lose weight for the same reasons they opt for a hair transplant — to feel attractive and confident.
Our weight and body image can affect our self-esteem. It’s natural to want to enjoy the self-confidence that comes with feeling good about our bodies and looking our best.
Unfortunately, sometimes weight loss can lead to hair loss. In fact, increased hair loss during and after losing weight is a common problem. This can have a knock-on effect on your self-esteem, confidence, and appearance.
So if you’re planning to lose weight in order to look and feel better, find out how to stop hair loss due to weight loss.
Depending on your weight loss regime, one aspect that could affect your hair is your nutrition. Healthy hair requires your body to receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as plenty of lean proteins.
If your new diet is lacking in any of these vital nutrients, any weight loss may be at the expense of the healthy functioning of your hair follicles and the appearance of your hair, potentially leading to hair loss [1].
The food we eat can affect our hormones, which in turn can have physical side effects. Our skin, nails, and hair, in particular, can be a good indication of our internal systems and hormonal balance. Changes to your normal food and exercise regimes can impact your hormone levels. One possible result of these hormonal changes is hair thinning or loss.
Diet isn’t the only factor affecting hormone imbalance. Pregnancy, menopause, and testosterone replacement therapy can all contribute to hair loss too. Learn more about menopause and hair loss and TRT and hair loss.
Reducing calorie intake is often a successful weight loss strategy. While caloric restriction has been shown to actually improve hair growth and retention [2], crash diets and extremely low-calorie diets deprive the body of the energy and nutrition it needs to function well. As the body prioritises its processes to keep you alive during a ‘starvation period’, it will neglect less vital processes such as healthy hair growth.
Popular modern diets for weight loss include keto, paleo diets, and intermittent fasting. However, all diets can have an impact on your hair as well as medications that aid weight loss. Find out more if Wegovy causes hair loss and how to stop hair loss from Ozempic.
If you begin to exercise much more often or more intensely than your body is used to, it can trigger a kind of shock reaction in your system. This kind of shock can lead to telogen effluvium – a temporary hair loss or baldness, usually on the scalp – which means that your hair falls out more than normal.
A degree of stress is a natural part of being human. However, excessive or clinical stress can disrupt your hormone levels and your body’s restorative processes. If your weight loss regime leads to increased stress, anxiety or exhaustion, this can affect hair growth and the rate at which hair falls out. Learn more about anxiety and hair loss.
Telogen effluvium is a type of sudden hair loss that occurs due to emotional shock. While there may not be an obvious link between this condition and weight loss, studies have shown that telogen effluvium can occur as a result of rapid or extreme weight loss.
Low-carb diets such as keto or Atkins are popular with many people who want to lose weight. However, there is evidence to suggest that low-carb diets can cause hair loss, as they restrict the nutrients you need for hair growth.
Your hair is made from a protein called keratin. Keratin is formed by amino acids which are found in dietary protein. Low-protein diets often result in amino acid deficiencies, causing hair growth to stall.
Weight loss surgery is a very effective weight loss strategy for many people. Unfortunately, hair loss is often an unwanted side effect. That’s due to the rapid nature of weight loss associated with weight loss surgery, including gastric bands and gastric bypasses. Like excessive exercise, rapid weight loss can shock your body, causing sudden temporary hair loss.
Restricting your calorie intake in a rapid, uncontrolled way can shock your body into preventing hair growth. When your body gets fewer nutrients than it needs (which often happens with sudden weight loss due to crash diets) it focuses on key bodily functions like breathing and circulation at the expense of hair growth.
Now that you know which issues can lead to hair loss during a new diet or exercise regime, here are a few tips to help you prevent it:
Know your nutritional needs and how diet affects hair loss before you choose your weight loss regime. Then you can select a programme that will provide the nutrients you need and balance your hormones in a supportive way. Learn more about vitamins for hair growth.
Avoid overly restrictive calorie-controlled regimes. These may compromise your body’s systems and lack the nutrients required for healthy hair. Eating too little as a result of conditions like anorexia can lead to hair loss.
Our bodies need all kinds of nutrients to function well, including carbs and fat. Eat a balanced diet rich in the essential nutrients to maintain a healthy weight and keep hair healthy.
Avoid extreme regimes and crash diets. Aim for gradual weight loss that works with your body and supports its healthy functioning.
Ensure that you include an element of stress relief in your new regime. Also, aim to find the right programme for you – one that isn’t excessively stressful.
Some foods may contribute to hair loss (including sugar and certain fats) so only eat these in moderation.
Losing excess weight can be a wonderful boost to your health and self-esteem and with a little planning and awareness, you can enjoy a slimmer, healthier body without compromising your appearance and your confidence.
Speaking to a hair loss specialist can help you manage your hair loss as you lose weight. They can recommend hair restoration and give you strategies for how to prevent hair loss during weight loss, supporting you through your weight loss journey.
Talk to a hair loss consultant at the Wimpole Clinic to find out more.
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