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Alopecia Universalis: Causes, Stages & Treatment Options
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Updated on October 8, 2024

When most people think of hair loss, they will usually think of people who go bald or lose the hair on their heads. However, for 1 in 4,000 people [1], hair loss can actually be experienced all over the body.

If you have started to experience hair loss in more areas than just your scalp, there is a high chance you’re suffering from a condition known as alopecia universalis.

In this article, we’ll be discussing what alopecia universalis is, what the different stages of this condition are, and what treatment options are available to those who are suffering from it.

Table of Contents

What is alopecia universalis?

Unlike alopecia areataalopecia totalis, and ophiasis alopecia, which only affect the scalp, alopecia universalis (AU) is a condition that causes complete hair loss on all parts of the body.

Alopecia areata (left) vs. alopecia universalis
Left: patient with alopecia areata. Right: patient with alopecia universalis.

Known as a type of alopecia areata, alopecia universalis can result in widespread hair loss on your legs, pubic area, arms, underarms, eyelashes, as well as eyebrow hair loss and scalp hair loss.

Alopecia areata is much more common, affecting around 2% of people globally. Alopecia universalis is thought to only affect around 0.03% [2]. Comedian and actor Matt Lucas has alopecia universalis and has been candid about his hair loss experience.

Although the causes of alopecia universalis are unknown, and studies on the topic are somewhat limited, alopecia universalis is thought to be an autoimmune disorder.

What are the symptoms and stages of alopecia universalis?

People who suffer from alopecia universalis may start by noticing some of the symptoms common with alopecia areata, like experiencing small patches of hair loss.

However, this will quickly turn into more severe hair loss around the body which can come on suddenly. These larger bald spots will then continue to spread until no hair is left on the body.

If you think you are experiencing the symptoms of alopecia universalis, the easiest way to get diagnosed is through a physical exam or medical test by a healthcare professional or dermatologist.

Unfortunately, AU isn’t a condition that you can prevent so, even if you are able to pick up on the symptoms early on, the chances of you being able to completely stop the condition from spreading aren’t very high.

However, speaking to a healthcare professional or dermatologist early on can help you to come to terms with the condition better and identify if there is anything you can do.

What causes alopecia universalis?

Alopecia universalis is thought to be an immune system disorder where healthy hair follicles are attacked by the body’s immune system, which makes them fall out and inhibits future hair growth [1].

However, researchers also believe that other factors can contribute to the development of AU, such as genetics and environmental factors.


Alopecia universalis is sometimes present from birth. This is known as alopecia universalis congenita. This is a genetic disease that is caused by an inherited hairless gene.

Alopecia universalis congenita may be passed down through autosomal recessive inheritance or autosomal dominant inheritance [3-4]. Hair usually starts to fall out soon after birth with recessive inheritance. If they have dominant inheritance, hair loss can present from childhood onwards.

If someone else in your family already has alopecia universalis, the chances of you developing it are much higher. People who suffer from AU also have a high chance of developing other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease [5].

Generally, 50% of people who have autoimmune-related alopecia will start to experience symptoms while they’re a child, and 80% will start to notice the effects by age 40 [6].


Some studies suggest the environment can play an important role in the likelihood of someone developing alopecia universalis. For example, one report in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that identical twins only experience the same alopecia condition about half of the time [7]. The outcome of this study suggests that environmental impacts, as well as genetics and the immune system, can be the key players in causing AU.

Although the specific environmental factors remain unknown, they may include other illnesses, allergies, or hormonal influences.

Does stress cause alopecia universalis?

Stress can be an important trigger for many types of temporary hair loss, like telogen effluvium. However, it is not thought to be a trigger for alopecia universalis.

What is the treatment for alopecia universalis?

Unfortunately for the many people who suffer from alopecia universalis, not all treatments are successful. However, there are a few courses of treatment that may work, including:

  • Diphenylcyclopropenone – a topical drug that is used to treat patients with alopecia areata and may be able to stop or slow hair loss for alopecia universalis patients.
  • Squaric acid dibutylester – a type of topical immunostimulator that activates the immune system locally. It has mild side effects and is usually well-tolerated [8].
  • Steroids – used to inhibit the body’s immune response and reduce inflammation.
  • Cyclosporine – an immunosuppressive drug.
  • Minoxidil – this common hair growth treatment has been shown to stimulate hair growth in combination with other medications [9].
  • Adalimumab – a TNF inhibitor that works by reducing inflammation, and has helped at least one AU patient recover their hair [10].
A patient with AU before and after Adalimumab treatment
A patient with AU before and after Adalimumab treatment [10].
Results of AU patient using immunosuppressant, Minoxidil and corticosteroid treatment
A patient with AU before, during, and after combined immunosuppressant, Minoxidil and corticosteroid treatment [9].

The most effective treatment for people with alopecia universalis is topical immunotherapy, such as diphencyprone. This drug produces an immunostimulating allergic reaction that can shock the hair follicles into producing hair. However, this is thought only to be around 40% effective [11].

Although the current outlook for AU treatment can look bleak, some emerging treatments show promising results.

According to a report in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, a man experienced a total regrowth of his hair after using a psoriasis drug [12]. After 8 months of using the drug to treat his psoriasis, his alopecia universalis had reversed and he was able to regrow hair.

Similarly, in a report from the Journal of the American Medical Association, a female teenage patient was given topical Ruxolitinib, which is normally used to treat a bone marrow disorder [13]. Over the course of several months, the patient applied the medication to her eyebrow area – which had undergone complete hair loss due to AU – and saw significant hair regrowth.

Are there any complications of AU?

Although alopecia universalis isn’t a life-threatening issue and often has few additional side effects, it can cause some problems for patients.

When your body is completely free from hair, you’re more at risk of sunburn. You may also get more debris in your eyes due to a lack of eyelashes. It’s also easier for germs and bacteria to enter your body due to a lack of nose hair.

In addition, many of those who suffer from AU may also experience mental health issues. If you find your mental health is suffering, there are many alopecia support groups that may help where you can speak with others who suffer from alopecia universalis and even participate in events for Alopecia Awareness Month.

Can you get a hair transplant if you have alopecia universalis?

Although some patients with alopecia universalis may see full hair growth after several years [1], this isn’t the case for every patient.

Many typical hair loss medications and treatments, such as hair transplants, are ineffective for patients with alopecia universalis. This is the case for patients who have experienced any kind of autoimmune-related hair loss.

Hair transplants rely on healthy hair growth in other areas of the body. If you have lost all or most of your body hair, it’s impossible to transplant hair from one area to another. 

Although this may be disappointing, there are other options to hide your hair loss. This includes wigs, makeup, artificial eyebrows and false eyelashes.

What to do if you have alopecia universalis

Alopecia universalis is a severe type of hair loss. It can be an incurable condition that causes individuals to lose hair all over the body, rather than just on the scalp.

Although the direct causes and triggers are unknown, alopecia universalis is thought to be an autoimmune condition in which white blood cells attack the hair follicles and cause hair to fall out.

If you think you’re suffering from alopecia universalis, we’d recommend speaking to a medical professional such as your GP or a hair loss specialist. They can discuss potential treatments with you to help restore some or all of your body hair.

If you are concerned about hair loss, visit our award-winning clinic for expert care and treatment. Contact us today to learn more about the services we provide.

Alopecia Universalis: Causes, Stages & Treatment Options, Wimpole Clinic

AU Frequently Asked Questions

Alopecia totalis results in complete or nearly complete hair loss on the scalp. Alopecia universalis on the other hand results in complete hair loss all over the body.

As long as the hair follicles not destroyed, individuals with alopecia universalis can regrow hair. However, the odds of full hair regrowth are less than 10% [14].

Alopecia universalis is a rare hair loss condition that is believed to affect 0.03% of the population.

No, pattern hair loss conditions like male or female pattern hair loss can not turn into alopecia universalis. This is because androgenetic alopecia is an entirely separate hair loss condition from alopecia universalis which is believed to be a type of alopecia areata, an autoimmune hair loss disorder.

Androgenetic alopecia is the medical term for genetic pattern hair loss which is known as male pattern hair loss in individuals assigned male at birth and female pattern hair loss in individuals assigned female at birth. For individuals suffering from androgenetic alopecia, hair loss occurs in a distinct pattern and in stages.

Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Michael May (FRCS)Updated on October 8, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
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