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3 Months of PRP for Hair Loss: Before and After Photos, Results
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Updated on February 20, 2025

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) continues to grow in popularity as a hair loss treatment. It’s no surprise, as research continues to show promising results for PRP and its role as a treatment for different types of alopecia. According to one review, 84% of research shows a positive effect of PRP as a treatment for hair loss [1].

In this article, we’ll share before and after photos to showcase the effects of PRP hair treatment. We’ll also explain what PRP is, its benefits as a hair loss treatment, how long the effects last, and any potential side effects. 

What is PRP? 

PRP is a type of regenerative medicine that makes use of platelets – small cell fragments found in your blood that contain growth factors. These growth factors can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue healing or regeneration in the treated area. 

During the PRP preparation process, blood is taken from your arm and placed into a centrifuge machine. The centrifuge separates blood into fractions with different density, making it easy to harvest the PRP. The PRP is processed and injected into the areas of your scalp affected by hair loss. 

When injected into the scalp, PRP stimulates hair growth, prolongs the growth phase of hair, and increases hair density [2].

3 months of PRP for hair loss: before and after photos

As you’ll see in the photos below, PRP can have a big impact on hair loss. Significant improvements in hair regrowth are often visible after just 3 months. 

Research into PRP as a standalone treatment for hair loss mainly focuses on androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. Androgenetic alopecia is male or female pattern baldness, and alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition in which your immune system attacks your hair follicles and causes hair loss. 

PRP for androgenetic alopecia

These images show a 34-year-old man affected by hair loss. The first image shows his scalp before PRP hair treatment, and the second image shows his scalp two weeks after his last treatment. As you can see, his hair count and hair density have significantly increased. 

A smoker 34-year-old male patient affected by hair loss

In the photos below, you can see the effects of PRP on male pattern hair loss. The first picture shows the patient before he started treatment, and the second picture shows increased hair growth and thickness after 3 monthly sessions of PRP. 

Effect of autologous activated Platelet Rich Plasma

These photos show a 52-year-old man before and after PRP hair treatment. In the first image, you can see significant hair loss in keeping with male pattern baldness. In the second image, although his hair remains thin, you can see significant hair growth on the crown of his head. 

A nonsmoker 52-year-old male patient affected by hair loss

Again, these images show the significant effect of PRP hair treatment on male pattern baldness. This 52-year-old man has noticeable hair loss at the front of his scalp in the first photo. In the second photo, the central area of hair loss has regrown after 3 sessions of PRP treatment. 

Preoperative situation of the scalp with hair loss before and after treatment

PRP for alopecia areata and alopecia barbae

The pictures below show a 41-year-old woman with alopecia areata. In the first picture, there is noticeable hair loss in the occipital region of her scalp. In the second picture, there is visible hair regrowth after 3 months of PRP treatment. 

Hair regrowth in ophiasis-type alopecia areata after platelet-rich plasma

These photos show a patient with alopecia barbae, a specific type of alopecia that affects the beard. PRP was given 3 times, at 6-week intervals. Significant hair loss is visible in the first picture, followed by minimal regrowth at 6 weeks. But at the 1-year follow-up, the patient has significant beard regrowth. The possibility must be considered that this regrowth may have occurred naturally if PRP had not been used. 

Hair regrowth after PRP treatment

How successful is PRP for hair loss?

Research suggests that PRP has a good success rate at improving hair count, hair thickness and hair shaft diameter in patients with androgenetic alopecia. The success rate varies for other hair loss conditions. It may also improve the appearance of hair on top of the head more effectively than Minoxidil, a medication for hair loss. Here are some of the PRP (and PRP vs Minoxidil) research findings:

  • Hair count improved by 29.2% after 3 PRP sessions [3]
  • Hair thickness improved by 46.4% after 3 PRP sessions [3]
  • PRP increased hair shaft diameter 6.3 times more than Minoxidil treatment [6]
  • 87.5% of people treated with PRP were satisfied with the appearance of the hair on top of their head compared to 37.7% treated with Minoxidil [7]
  • A 2014 study trialled activated PRP injections on 10 patients with male pattern hair loss. Patients received 3 treatments at intervals of 1 month.  Hair count improved by 20.5% 3 months after the first treatment, and hair thickness improved by 31.3%. By 6 months after the first treatment, hair count improved by 29.2% and hair thickness improved by 46.4% [3].
  • A 2020 study compared PRP, minoxidil, and a combination of the two as a treatment for male pattern baldness. 69 men with androgenetic alopecia took part in the trial. PRP was found to increase hair shaft diameter 6.3 times more than minoxidil treatment [6].
  • A 2019 study compared PRP with minoxidil as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia. 40 men with androgenetic alopecia took part in the trial and received treatment for 6 months. The studyIt found that 87.5% of people treated with PRP were satisfied with the appearance of the hair on top of their head compared to 37.7% treated with minoxidil [7]. However, it must also be considered that the effects of minoxidil often materialise significantly later than those of PRP.


How long do the effects of PRP hair treatment last?

Research is divided on this question, although it is agreed that the effects of PRP are temporary. Most studies suggest that maintenance sessions will be needed at some point to prevent a relapse of hair loss, but it’s not fully clear how soon these are needed after the initial treatment. Here’s what different studies found:

  • 16 in 20 people retained the benefits of PRP at 12 months post-treatment. Only 4 in 20 reported hair loss 12 months after their last PRP session [8]
  • Hair density declined at 6 months from the start of a PRP treatment course [9]
  • A 3 to 6 month maintenance period is recommended following an initial course of PRP treatment [10]
  • A 2015 study measured the effects of PRP on male pattern hair loss. 20 men received PRP on half their scalps and placebo on the other half. They received 3 PRP treatments at 30-day intervals. 16 of the 20 men retained the benefits of treatment 12 months later, while 4 reported hair loss at 12 months [8].
  • A 2014 study looked at how PRP affected the hair density of 18 males and 2 females with androgenetic alopecia. PRP was injected in androgen-related areas of the scalp over 3 treatment sessions, each 21 days apart. Patients received a booster session 6 months after the start of treatment. Hair density increased and peaked at 3 months but began to decrease 6 months after treatment. Therefore, the authors recommend PRP treatment every 6 months to maintain results [9].
  • A 2019 study looked at PRP as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia. A literature search and meta-analysis were used to calculate the difference in hair density of patients treated with PRP, compared to baseline and placebo. PRP was shown to be an effective treatment to increase hair density, and, based on the research, the authors recommend 3 monthly sessions of PRP followed by a 3 to 6-month maintenance period [10].
Woman undergoing PRP injection treatment

How to make PRP treatment more effective

PRP hair treatment can be combined with other hair loss treatments to maximise its effects. For example, research shows that PRP combined with minoxidil was more effective than PRP treatment or minoxidil alone [3]. Minoxidil is a common medication used to stimulate hair growth and slow balding. 

PRP also enhances the effects of a hair transplant, a permanent treatment for hair loss. When used in combination with a hair transplant, PRP can improve recovery by giving faster hair density, speeding up skin recovery and activating dormant hair follicles in people who have a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant [11].

Some early clinical trials suggest platelet-rich fibrin may be a more effective alternative to PRP [12]. PRF for hair loss releases growth factors more slowly, thanks to the additional blood components that are injected into your balding areas. Learn more about the differences between PRP vs PRF for hair loss.

Does PRP have any side effects?

PRP injections are made up of plasma and cells from your own body, so the risk of allergic reaction is much lower than with other injections (such as steroid injections) [13]. You may have some mild pain or bruising around the injection site, but major side effects of PRP treatment are unlikely [13].

PRP involves taking blood, so you should have something to eat and drink before the procedure to avoid feeling light-headed. In rare cases, people may experience the following side effects [13]:

  • Infection
  • Nerve injury
  • Tissue damage
  • Bleeding

Our expert clinicians can give you personalised advice on whether PRP injections are right for you based on your clinical symptoms, medical history, and personal preferences. 

Woman undergoing hair scalp consultation with dermatologist

Why choose Wimpole Clinic for PRP hair treatment?

Our skilled clinicians are highly trained in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of hair loss. If you’re experiencing pattern baldness, alopecia areata, or a different type of hair loss, Wimpole Clinic can help. We offer PRP hair treatment in London and at other clinics around the UK:

Book an appointment with a trichologist if you’re unsure why your hair is falling out. They can identify and perform any necessary tests, such as a scalp biopsy or hair loss blood tests, to find the cause of your symptoms. Once you are diagnosed, your trichologist will work with you to create a treatment plan that fits your needs and preferences.

3 Months of PRP for Hair Loss: Before and After Photos, Results, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Correia (GMC)Updated on February 20, 2025
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
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Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Updated on February 20, 2025
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