Castor Oil for Eyebrows: Can It Help Them Grow Back? Castor oil has been used for hair care for thousands of years. In Ancient Egypt, women combined castor oil with sweet almond, rosemary, and fir oils to promote hair growth…
How Long Does It Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back? Our eyebrows don’t only contribute significantly to our facial appearance and self-image, they also play an important role in communication. That is why eyebrow hair loss - or madarosis - can…
Thinning Eyebrows: Causes, Treatments, Prevention Although thinning eyebrows are a common problem, it can still be distressing. Eyebrows frame your face, protect your eyes, and are important for non-verbal communication [1]. Eyebrow hair loss can…
Madarosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Your eyebrows and eyelashes play an important role in shaping your appearance and losing them can significantly impact your self-esteem. But unfortunately madarosis — the clinical name for any condition…
Eyebrow Blindness: What Is It And Do You Have It? Keeping up with the latest eyebrow trends can be exhausting. What’s more, you might eventually realise that all that time spent plucking, shaping and shading your brows wasn’t worth it…
Sparse Eyebrows: 10 Ways To Fix Thinning Brows Sparse eyebrows making you feel self-conscious? You’re not alone. Many people are habitual overpluckers, while others have naturally sparse brow hairs. Some eyebrow hair loss (also known as madarosis) is down…